Who am I?

Five years ago, I introduced my sister to the world of Blogging. Up until now, she has different blog sites where she talks about her profession, published books and everyday life. I would help her with the technical side of her sites but I never had the time to have a site of my own. Probably because I don't think I am good in writing at the same time, I can't think of any specific topic that I can write about that no one else had not thought of doing. Let's face it, there are millions of people online all over the world posting on Facebook, twitter, Instagram and their own blog sites; giving comments in YouTube, Tripadvisor, beauty sites, news pages and so much more.

So what made me decide to start my own now? As my site name implies, I am in love with shopping. And over the years, I have developed to what I can say as a "wise" shopper (at least I try). Let me explain:

I am a Filipino who currently lives in the Philippines. I was blessed with opportunities to live and visit different parts of the world. And everywhere I go, even when I am to stay overseas for a long period of time, I am in a habit of converting prices of goods that I would see into Philippine Peso (PHP).  And that is how I decide whether or not something is worth buying overseas (and carrying with my baggage or shipping it when I need to go back home). But then that is only part of the equation. Even when I am able to convert to PHP, if I don't know the price in the Philippines, then I don't have any data I can compare the prices to. Duh!

This is where my frustration starts. Unlike in bigger and more advanced countries where online shopping is an ordinary thing and you can readily google prices online and see the reviews, that is not the case in my country. I think that there are more Filipinos who shop and travel way more than I do but not a lot of them would write about these information. So I am here and will attempt to provide these.

But hey, I am just an individual with a 10-hr job that is not related to this type of blog, so for now, I am narrowing this down to things that I like - girly stuff  - beauty products and services, shoes, online shopping, local brand items, signature bags and accessories, a little of craft works maybe (well, I am obsessed with photo books), and probably some travel tips too.

Feel free to send me a note if you have any requests and maybe I can find some information for you.


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