Louis Vuitton
I am not much into clothes fashion but I love bags and accessories. I was exposed to signature bags back in 2007 when we had our month long trip overseas. A friend of mine who was travelling with me had checked on the price of one particular Louis Vuitton bag in advance in all the countries we were scheduled to go to, to the point of making overseas calls to the stores just to see where to get it from the cheapest. Anyways, I didn't get my bag back then, but the following year, I received my very first LV (a gift) - a Montorgueil. It was purchased in Singapore for about P36,000 (with the exchange rate back then less tax). That started my mini collection. Now, I am often being asked by people around me regarding prices. Let me tell you, I don't keep a price database.. LOL! But here are the current prices that I have (last update May 2014). Please note that for tourists, you may get tax refund when you buy in Europe (about 10%) or Singapore (around 5%). Also, until further no...