I follow Kris Aquino on Instagram
I follow Kris Aquino on Instagram. InstaGram is one of the social media apps popular nowadays. I find it to be less complicated than Facebook and Twitter. You may follow, unfollow or follow again anyone with public profiles without broadcasting this activity to the world (or at least your friend list). I follow personalities in IG, actors, politicians, photographers or even ordinary people whose postings I find interesting. Half the time, I unfollow them after a couple of weeks for various reasons. But there are quite a few which I have been following for years now. One is Kris Aquino. Here are the reasons why: 1. her postings go beyond OOTD (outfit of the day). Sure, she would sometimes post pictures of herself totally made up on the set of her shows or events but mostly with stories - a service provider she discovered that will deliver the clothes to your doorstep, or an experience she encountered on her way to work, or a message from a friend received just a...